Apply for membership

Please read the whole of this page before applying.
Eligibility: Membership is open to anyone who attended an Officer Cadet course, MCA Certificate of Competency course, or was a member of staff at the School of Navigation and successor establishments to the present-day Warsash Maritime School; also at the Warsash Superyacht Maritime Academy. Others with a close connection to a member or to the WMS may also be eligible for Associate Membership.

Why join?

Joining the Warsash Association offers the following opportunities:
  • Rekindle the comradeship of earlier years at Warsash and at sea
  • Maintain contact with members around the world
  • Receive three copies a year of our highly regarded All Hands Journal
  • Enjoy social events with other members at events organised in the UK and overseas by our Australia, New Zealand and North America Branches
  • Help track down other potential new members
  • Access a huge quantity of past and present content on our interactive website
  • Contribute by uploading content to our website

Application process

After applying, various eligibility checks will be made by the Membership Secretary before processing your payment. If you don't hear anything within a few days let us know using the website ‘Contact us’ link.
Once approved you will be sent login details allowing full access to this website.
  • Officer Cadets have free membership until they achieve their CoC > Go to B
  • Anyone joining up to the end of September in any year is required to pay the annual fee for that year by cheque or one-off electronic transfer.
  • Those joining after 30th September do not pay a subscription until the 1st January of the following year via a Bankers (Standing) Order. For example if applying in October 2020 the first payment would fall due on the 1st January 2021. Applicants should ensure their bank is aware when setting up their Bankers (Standing) Order.
  • Online applicants from Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the US pay their fees to the relevant Branch. After completing an online application they will be put in touch with the Branch Membership Secretary. > Go to A)
  • All other applicants (excludes Officer Cadets and residents of Australia, New Zealand, Canada or US) are required to set up a Bankers (Standing) Order to pay their annual subscriptions into the WA’s UK bank, from the 1st January of the year following application.
For the year in which they apply (unless after 30 September) we prefer applicants to pay their subscription electronically if that is possible but otherwise by cheque.
If paying to the UK we require all future year subscriptions to be paid by Bankers (Standing) Order.

If paying to the UK you should make a note of the following details.
Applicant Recipient
Your full name The Warsash Association
Your full address including country NatWest Bank, Fareham Branch, 52 West Street
Fareham, Hampshire, PO16 0JX UK
Your phone number Account number 60594810 Sort code 52-41-32
IBAN: GB20NWBK52413260594810; BIC: NWBKGB2L
Your bank's name and address, your bank account name, number and sort code. Email address

A) Overseas branches

If you live in Australia, New Zealand, Canada or the US your application will be directed to the relevant overseas Branch Treasurer.
You may optionally buy a tie in which case please contact the appropriate membership secretary as follows: Australia or New Zealand or UK and all other countries.

The address to manually apply for membership is stated on the relevant application form below which please download and save on your computer. The annual subscription rates are GB£15, Aus$35 and NZ$15.
  • If in the United Kingdom → Download here
  • If in Australia → Download here
  • If in New Zealand → Download here
  • If in any other country → Download here
For more information email the WA Membership Secretary.

B) Rules

Before you may apply for membership, read the Website Rules and check the following buttons to confirm you have done so.